Merry Christmas, or, as you would say in Latvian, Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus!
Hope you and yours have a good holiday!
And what would be a Latvian Christmas without pÄ«rÄgi (bacon buns)?
Here is my dad, making pÄ«rÄgi yesterday…
And here is (some of) the finished product! I helped. We made both the traditional bacon-filled ones, as well as mushroom-filled ones, which I had developed a taste for back when I was a vegetarian.
I provided this link on the Discovering Latvian Roots Facebook page last week, and decided to share it here as well. Here’s a tip: If making the dough seems too time-intensive, use Pillsbury’s “Country Biscuits” instead – just flatten them out, fill them, and away you go! Though be prepared to invest some money in this case – there are only 10 per can, so if you’re making lots of pÄ«rÄgi, you may want to just make the dough yourself. Up to you, delicious either way!